License agreement
When you purchase and download audio files from us, you agree to be bound by the following conditions:
You may
- store the audio files on your own personal and/or laptop computer.
- transfer the audio files into your personal audio player and/or mobile device.
- copy the audio files to a CD for playing them on regular stereo equipment in your home or car.
- make one (1) copy of the audio files to an additional storage medium, like a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, memory card, hard disk, etc. for the sole purpose of backup.
You may not
- store the audio files on someone else's personal and/or laptop computer.
- transfer the audio files into someone else's personal audio player and/or mobile device.
- make copies of or distribute the audio files or links to them to other people, whether via a physical medium or network connection, no matter if such a copy was made for free or for a charge.
- resell the audio files to someone else.
- use the audio as a background music in public videos. Please contact us if you wish to obtain a sync license.
- modify or remix the audio files without written permission.
Thank you for respecting the copyright in our recordings. We depend on it to make a living and to make more great recordings. Spread the word, not the files!